Sunday, January 31, 2010

what to doe????

ding dong!

act. nw aku nga practcal,kat bngkel pmbuatn prabot,such a great new xperience,aku blaja bnyk bnd yg slame nie lect tau ckap je! haha. . tbe2 tingat kat KJ aku (ketua jbtan awam), ktorng poli so that need practcl n amali tapi ble ktorng ask bout badjet that shud be used for amali lua dye jwab 'takpe,kite boleh gune kan audio n visual tok gantikn amali lua',such a fcking statemnt!! da nme pon poli tp xde amali,bnd yg sptotnye so that ktorng tau what we learn n how it use in our field. . bodobodo..

blek pade story prctcal aku.. bos aku bg job (asignmnt laa..) coz aku dpat a week cuti huhu bnd tu ptonye done smlm or klmaren so leh la aku goyng kaki relax2 men game tapi... set lk aku ilang! aku xleh wat pape pon! siot gle uh,kang msok blek keje ari slase kot,da kne submit.. brrrrpppp!! ape aku nak wat wey??? what to doe??!!

mood> sengal! :((


Anonymous said...

2 words..> pdan muke..sape suruh procrasinate keje..

satu lagi,,,> pasal board tuh..cane nk wat? keje nk kne hantar esok kn...

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